E-commerce SEO Services That Increase Online Orders

As one of the most effective ways to drive website traffic, SEO helps your online business increase its revenue and grow.

Krohn Media can help you.

With our ecommerce SEO services and award-winning team, your website will rank higher in search results for the keywords your target audience uses.

The more key terms you’re able to successfully target, the more qualified customers will click on your products, and in turn, you’ll see an increase in conversions and revenue.

Inside our e-commerce SEO services:

When you start selling online using web marketing, you want to ensure that you are directing the right type of customers to your site. You can accomplish this by making sure that you have the right kind of content that contains the right keywords.

Search engines rely on matching the words that people are searching for to the words that are found on your website, meaning SEO for an e-commerce website includes informative, descriptive text.

If you have the words on your site that shoppers’ type into a search engine, you stand a better chance at being found.

In fact, more than 50 percent of users find a new company or product after a search.

However, it’s difficult to figure out which words to add to your site, and secondly, how to make sure that you have room for all the different phrases you need. To start the ecommerce search engine optimization process, you should know what keywords or phrases you want to target.

Here’s how we start our e-commerce SEO process for our clients, and what you can expect when you work with our in-house team of e-commerce SEO experts.

1. Keyword identification

2. Keyword implementation

3. Product page optimization

4. Navigation optimization

5. Content creation

If you have e-commerce needs or questions…

Contact Krohn Media


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